Board of Directors

Jie Chen

Independent Director

Mr. Chen Jie has served as an independent director of Tuniu since December 2022. Mr. Chen currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Caissa Tourism (000796. SZ), an A-share company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Mr. Chen joined Caissa Tourism Group in 2002 and previously served as the vice president of Caissa Tosun Development Co. Ltd. and general manager of domestic operation business group, vacation business group and product research and development center for group tours. Mr. Chen graduated from Beijing Science Technology and Management College in 2002.

Board Diversity Matrix (As of Feb 29, 2024)
Country of Principal Executive Offices PRC
Foreign Private Issuer Yes
Disclosure Prohibited Under Home Country Law No
Total Number of Directors 8
  Female Male Non-Binary Do Not Disclose Gender
Part I: Gender Identity
Directors 0 8 0 0
Part II: Demographic Background
Underrepresented Individual in Home Country Jurisdiction 1
Did Not Disclose Demographic Background 3